Sep 28, 2008


This afternoon J-P held the sleeping babe while he read his favorite Louis L'amour book for the 87th time. Every time I ask J-P what he wants for Christmas, birthday, father's day...his reply is always the same: a Louis L'amour book. I don't understand his addiction, but I'm grateful that it's cheap paperback books and not video games.
Tonight J-P read story after story to the pajama-clad boys while I made pumpkin cookies. I make pumpkin cookies at least twice a week in the fall, just to make sure we get our fair share of vitamin A. I blame my pumpkin cookie addiction on my sister-in-law Amie, who shared this recipe with me a couple years ago.
Also, I would like to publicly thank all the dads of mormondom who babysat last night so we women could partake of some much needed spiritual enlightenment. My heart is full and I am bursting at the seams. I can't even express how much I loved Elder Uchtdorf's talk. If you missed the broadcast you MUST hear this talk. I will link to the transcript when available, in the mean time go here to listen to/watch his talk.


ecuakim said...

Ditto. The women who missed the conference have got to make it priority NUMERO UNO to hear it asap. It absolutely changed the way I think about my own spirituality and creative power. It astounded me.

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

I too LOVED his talk. It was amazing and the Spirit was so strong. I also really liked Julie Beck's talk.

OK, so I am cracking up that J-P loves Louis books. My Nana has a door hanger with EVERY single book he's ever written and she reads them before bed EVERYnight. She always jokes about how she goes to bed with a man other than my Grandpa. She says, "I'm off to go to bed with Louis." I had no idea he was into westerns.

Looking forward to seeing you this week!

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

PS - That pic of J-P reading to the boys is too cute! I love how into it they are!

ecuakim said...

Oh, and by the way, YOU CANNOT TELL US ABOUT SOME FANTASTIC PUMPKIN RECIPE AND NOT SHARE IT!!!!! Which reminds me of your plans for a Halloween party...what can I do to help? I happen to possess a pretty darn amazing pumpkin brownie recipe that I could make...

[M] said...

kim, if you click on "this recipe" in the text it will link you to the recipe...i suppose i should have bolded or underlined the link to make it more obvious. and i've been meaning to talk to you about the party. i have never done a halloween party so i am counting on lot's of ideas/help from you:) i'll be in touch...

Jessica said...

I clicked here to remind you to share the recipe and am glad someone already did it for me. :) I will go back and click the link!! :)

ecuakim said...

Oh goodie, I've been thinking about your pumpkin cookies all morning!!! Now that I think about it, didn't you bring me some last year??? Yes, yes I'm positive that you did and they were DIVINE! Cannot wait to make them!

Alicia Leppert said...

Those pictures are adorable. I was not feeling good and missed the broadcast, I need to track down that talk asap.