Sep 8, 2008

black and white

...So I'm a huge sucker for fads. I love them and hate them at the same time. Lately I've been intrigued by black and white. I've been storing ideas in my head of a black and white room with splashes of color (yellow, maybe turquoise?). Saturday night I started this blog (a.k.a. another way to waste time) as a means to organize my finds. If you have black and white on the mind you can check it out. I would love to have the time to start a blog for every color. If only my house cleaned itself:)


S. Schuller said...

I love the new header! And, I agree with you: black and white is so great. I'm excited to see what other black and white finds you discover!

ecuakim said...

Cool! My favorite blank notecards are at and white designs with either hot pink or turquoise envelopes. So fun.