Sep 9, 2008

naps and granola bars

Me: Max, it's time to go take a nap.
Max: Yeah, Max a take a nap. When Max a wake up, Max a go store a buy granola bars. OK?
Me: (trying not to upset him) Uh, sure. But right now it's nap time.

Approximately a minute and a half after shutting his door I hear wailing. This is unusual behavior (he's good about napping) so I went to check on him.

Me: What's wrong sweetie?

Max: (mater-of-factly) Uh, Max a wake up. Time a go a store a buy granola bars...RIGHT NOW!
Me: Max, you have to take a nap first. We'll go to the store after your nap.
Max: But Max a wake UUUP! How about go a store NOWWW!

I rocked him for about 2 minutes and sang "row your boat" (his favorite song this week) and he was out like a log. He's sleeping now, but I have a feeling we'll be shopping for granola bars shortly.


ecuakim said...


Brynn said...

How cute! I can't believe he talks that much! I love it!