Sep 23, 2008

morning light

I am not a morning person. When 5 a.m. rolls around, I am paralyzed by a combination of low blood sugar and lack of sleep. I try to pry my eyes open when Ian starts crying, but I swear they are glued shut.

Enter amazing husband. I nudge (sometimes shake, kick, push...he's a deep sleeper) J-P and he pops out of bed to rescue our early riser from his crib. They watch the sun come up together everyday. Good thing he is a morning person.

I take over bath and bedtime duties because J-P starts slowing down around 7 p.m. After our story-song-prayer ritual, I put Max into his crib. As I'm putting him in, I say "Max, I love you sooooo much." To which he responds (every night) "I love daddy sooooo much!" I'm starting to wonder if J-P is bribing him with candy in the morning while I'm sleeping. One of these days I'll have to get up to see what they do with J-P in the morning that has them both wrapped (as tight as can be) around his finger.


ecuakim said...

Oh, Mary Ann! The pictures are GORGEOUS!!! I would love to see them in black and white, too! And by the way, Clark only gives Jose kisses at night. He will not give me kisses. Where's the love????

Alicia Leppert said...

I can't imagine having kids who preferred their dad. They have always been "mama" kids and Bill hates it. I don't get it, all I do is yell at them all day long...

Jessica said...

That is hilarious! Maybe at bedtime tonight you should try saying to Max, "I love Ian soooooo much!" See what he says! I bet it will be something funny!