Sep 10, 2008

baby watching

I have been watching Ian crawl all day. He turns 10 months in a couple days, and I'm not ready to give my baby up to the world of walking. Not yet. Not when he's still so little.

What's all the fuss about? He took his first two steps today.


dandee said...

10 months and walking?! Amazing.

Alicia Leppert said...

Why do they have to grow up? I am madly in love with black and white right now. (Especially black, white and red, although I get made fun of a lot for know, Twilight?)

Fitzys said...

I love those pictures! It's so sad when babies develop too fast. I wish they could just stay little!

Brynn said...

Sorry, that was me. My sister didn't sign out!

ecuakim said...

Uh oh!!! Double the trouble! Oh, he is too little to walk!!! Maybe it was just a fluke!