Jan 5, 2010

two months

Our sweet little lady is two months old. She is sweeter than sugar thanks to a little thing called zantac. Miracle drug. I only wish I would have figured out what was ailing her sooner. I assumed that only babies that spit up a lot had reflux. And spit up she does not.


weight- 13 lbs 5 oz (this is double the weight of her first well-check appt.)
height-24 1/4 inches
head- 15.5

She is in the 95th percentile for height, and the 90th for weight. She is wearing 9 and 12 month clothes, and I am sighing in disbelief at her growth rate. She is sleeping much better and has the sweetest smiles and cutest expressions. She sucks on her fist but will have NOTHING to do with a pacifier.
p.s. she did her first real hard belly laugh today. completely adorable.

1 comment:

S. Schuller said...

She is ADORABLE, M-A! I just want to eat her up. I love seeing pictures of her. Nice work. She is definitely a keeper. I loved that headband you made for her blessing, BTW. So chic.