Jan 9, 2010


Here is photo proof that we have a very busy two-year-old residing with us. He pulls off most of his shenanigans while I am nursing the baby. The other day I heard a jingling noise. I looked over to see Ian standing on the table and the chandelier swinging like a pendulum. It was swinging so high that it almost hit the ceiling. We are lucky it didn't knock him off.

My biggest goal of motherhood is to never buy a can of formula. So far it's been an easy goal to keep. I feel like it makes up for other areas I might lack in. If I don't read to my children enough, at least they will have better eyesight and the higher IQ that breastfeeding provides. If I don't provide meals that are as healthy as they should be, at least my children will have immune systems that are bolstered by extended breastfeeding (although the 17 months Ian got did not prevent the stomach flu this week). I'm just glad I set this goal with child number one. There is no turning back now. I just have lots of messes to clean after I'm finished. But it's all worth it. I hope.

1 comment:

Natasha said...

You are not alone. Too bad we can't take their batteries out, right?