Jan 15, 2010


Having a two-year-old = lots of mischief + messes.
Once I was complaining to my wise friend about all the messes I clean up everyday. She explained to me that messes are EASY. You can clean up messes. She had just cleaned up a food coloring explosion in her kitchen created by her two-year-old. No big deal. Then, with a worried face she told me-- "My twelve-year-old has a girlfriend. You can't clean up a girlfriend."

I think about that conversation a lot. When Ian stormed into my bathroom this morning, unscrewed and dumped out the turtle food, and took all my clothes off the drying rack and threw them on the floor...it was no big deal. Very clean-up-able.

p.s. Max, who became extremely worried that our turtle would have nothing to eat, took it upon himself to clean the food up, pellet by pellet...only to have Ian dump it all out again when he was finished.

1 comment:

ecuakim said...

LOL. My poor child will never have a pet. That's what the zoo is for. Of course, when I took him to the zoo today, he was only intersted in the parts that were sectioned off where the front-loaders were digging around in the dirt.