Jan 12, 2010

documenting the afternoon

At this very moment:

Max is watching 'the dinosaur train' and playing with piles of matchbox cars.
Ian is sleeping peacefully.
Ava is rolling around on the floor (well, rolling from side to side).
I am making empanadas and snacking on green olives.
I am also up to my elbows in fabric yo-yos working on a project for Ava's room.

The windows are open and it is 77 degrees outside. A perfectly pleasant day. The whole stay-at-home-mom gig I have rocks. Best job ever.


dandee said...

that sounds so lovely! especially the 77 degrees and sun shining part. the gray skies here are starting to get to me.

looking forward to seeing what you have up your sleeves with those
yo-yos. :)

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

sounds like the life!

cherise and Tristan said...

Wow, I don't know how you do all that with three kids. I can barely get dinner done with one. I have yet to shower or clean for this week. I am totally amazed.

Jessica said...

I am totally on the page with Cherise. One kid for me = no showers or dinners or cleaning. Three for you = ridiculous amounts of craftiness.

I look at those yo-yos and am preparing to be jealous again. Um... can I just be a sister-wife so to benefit from all your creative genius??