Jan 23, 2010

3 months

My sweet baby girl turned three months old today. Part of me wants her to stop growing. The other part of me can't wait for her to get a little older so I can sew her pretty skirts and plan pretty tea parties. I can't believe she is already wearing the clothes that I was storing away for her to wear next winter. She is very sweet and sensitive and does NOT like it when her brothers scare her with their dinosaurs.


Kathryn M said...

it starts with dinosaurs. Then my brothers moved on to throwing firecrackers and shooting paintballs at me while I was sleeping. I think your boys are much to sweet to commit such acts, still not sure what my brothers were thinking.

cherise and Tristan said...

She is so adorable. I love her outfit. Where do you get such cute clothes? She is always dressed fashionable. Everett will be 2 months tomorrow and I am having to get out the 6 month clothes. I am afraid that all the 9 month summer stuff I have is going to go to waste cause at this rate he will be in them in march.

Amie said...

Ava is so cute! I can't wait to meet her in a couple of weeks!