May 13, 2007

My feet in better days...

My nickname in high school was "info". Not because I was smart, but because I new a lot of random, useless information. Still do. As a result, I am a very paranoid person. I couldn't enjoy girls camp because I knew that I could get a tick, that the tick might infect me with Lyme disease, and that it could paralyze me for life. Instead of frolicking through the woods like other 14-year-olds, I was walking around like a crazy person, spraying myself with repellent every 10 minutes. I'm surprised the fumes didn't kill me. When I lived in the Dominican Republic, I knew there were nasty parasites that would burrow through my feet if I went barefoot. I didn't let my bare feet touch the ground anywhere in that country for four months.

Pregnancy increases my paranoia. I'm a little more relaxed this time around, but I'm constantly bombarded by the subconscious retrieval of random pregnancy facts that are stored in a back corner of my brain. Right now phthalates prevent me from doing a lot of things. I'm waiting to paint my kitchen and my toenails until I'm more than half-way through my pregnancy because phthalates (chemical in plastics, cosmetics, paint, etc.) can cause birth defects, specifically in boys. The problem: I was the only person in church today with unpedicured feet. The only person. Everyone in Arizona has perfectly polished pedicure feet (with little painted flowers that I don't care for), and my white, unpolished feet were glowing. I'm ordering phthalate-free polish tomorrow! Nonetheless, it was a beautiful Mother's Day. I wanted to get a picture of Max and I on the first Mother's Day that I could officially celebrate. Here is a series of our failed attempts. I love how we both have half-way closed eyes on the last one.

Happy Mother's Day!!!!


Alex said...

First Happpy Mothers day. Second, I don't know where you come up with this stuff. You need to stay off all these cheesey .com sites. Go to This site is run by American Chemistry Council. Specifically go to
for information about this study that makes these claims about them being toxic to male babies.

[M] said...

You mean toenail polish won't make my baby gay? So nice to have a pharmacist brother that can debunk all my misguided facts. Thanks Alex.

[M] said...

p.s. I read it in a magazine, not a website...I read some follow up articles on-line because I was curious, but that's it. I'm not as crazy as I sound.

Alex said...

If you ordered special nail polish you're still pretty crazy in my book.

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

Happy Mother's Day to you!! I love the pictures. Hope your day was a special one!

Chelsea said...

Mary Ann, you crack me up. I love reading your posts. I'm paranoid too. I've been having abdominal cramping, and was a little concerned since it wasn't going away, and it was feeling pretty severe at times. I didn't want to be over paranoid but I decided to call the doctor on Saturday. (I don't know what it feels like to be prego, so I figured it could be normal) He told me that it's not okay and I have to come in first thing this morning---just what I want to hear. Obviously I know everything is okay, but the fact that you call the doc for some reassurance and he tells you the opposite, is never comforting over a weekend. I know he lives across the street from his office, so I felt like telling him to get his rear over to his office on Saturday, but I refrained.

S. Schuller said...

M-A, I'm laughing just reading yours and Alex's comments back and forth. He doesn't sugarcoat anything, eh? How funny! You look so great! And, you have another one coming! So exciting. Happy belated Mother's Day!


dandee said...

Happy Mother's Day Mary Ann! You and Max look so sweet together! As far as the nail polish...I hadn't heard that one before!