Feb 20, 2007

Housewife Hysteria

Lately I have been thinking about the women of the 50's and 60's. They were the perfect housewives. They made home cooked meals everyday from scratch, their houses were clean, their children were well behaved, and they always looked fabulous.

I am not the perfect housewife. I am not even a good housewife. I have finally figured out how to get dinner on the table at an hour when dinner is supposed to be eaten. It has taken me months. Most days I wear lounge clothes, my hair up, and no make-up. I can never seem to keep my house as clean as I'd like it to be. My yard is a disaster. All of my closets need to be organized. I never have time to sweep my porch. I can never decide what should be a higher priority, folding laundry or reading to my baby...as it seems there is not time for both. One more day has passed and I have not checked anything off of my to-do list. Right now I'm so tired my eyes are burning and instead of tending to my housewife duties, I'm blogging.

I can't help but think, how did they do it? I asked my grandmother how she did it and she told me that she woke up at 5 a.m. everyday to shower and get ready before her babies woke up. I feel very lucky if I have time to shower during Max's morning nap. I thought being a stay-at-home mom would be a life of little stress, but oh how I was wrong. When I worked in Beverly Hills I used to laugh at the stay-at-home mothers who had housekeepers, nannies, cooks, and drivers and still ran around completely frazzled and stressed out. Now I get it. This is not an easy job! I haven't had a nap for 3 months. Every day I look at this picture on my computer and dream of taking a nap in this chair. Right now I'm off to find it...


Phil Scoville said...


I think that is great that you've taken over the blog. I love reading your thoughts. Keep them coming and get JP to get back into it.

We love seeing pictures of Max. Oscar and Lily love him so much.

Talk to you soon.

Provo Scovilles

Natasha said...

That was a great post. You've seen my life and my house, so you know I can relate. I think you need a break. Come for a visit.

dandee said...

Mary Ann,
I know how you feel! I feel like such a loser if all I've accomplished in the day is a shower, but sometimes that's how it goes. I think that stay at homes moms did more "staying at home" in the fifties. Families usually only had one car and dad took that to work. Kids rode the bus to school and I'm pretty sure they didn't help in the classroom. They had all day to themselves to accomplish daily tasks. (that's what I tell myself atleast) I love the pictures you posted! That's how I imagine myself if I lived in the fifties.