Feb 24, 2007

Ecclectic Cast of Characters

I love crazy people. They crack me up. Of late, my favorite place to get my dose of crazy is a reality TV show called Top Design. I can’t get enough of it. It is not a comedy, but when I watch it I can’t wipe the smile off my face. I also frequently burst into laughter. Crazy people are so funny! What, you might ask, is Top Design? Simply put, it is the American Idol for interior designers. Designers compete, and every week one is kicked off the show (with a "see ya later decorator" from Jonathon Adler).

I have learned some great things from the show. I have also found some links to great websites. I used to love walking through all the high-end design stores on Melrose, but I felt like the whole world was staring at me and wondering what a commoner in Target clothes was doing in that neck of the woods. I much prefer the virtual window-shopping I can now do thanks to all of the product placement on the show. Hooray for the internet.


dandee said...

What network is Top Designer on? I have never heard of it and it sounds like something I would enjoy.

[M] said...

It's on Bravo on Wed. Night. Todd Oldham is the host and it's hysterical. You should watch:)