Feb 18, 2007


I'm a paranoid person. When I was a little girl, every night I thought our house was going to burn down. Every time I walked near a cliff I was terrified I was going to fall off. Every time I went camping I was sure I would be eaten by a bear. Every time I went swimming at the beach I was positive a shark would attack me.

Now I am paranoid about different things. When my baby wasn't crawling by 5 months I was sure something might be wrong. When he wasn't crawling by 6 months we started crawling therapy. J-P also spent a lot of time crawling around the living room to make sure he knew what to do. When he wasn't crawling by 7 months I felt really sad. I felt like he was way behind other babies and might never catch up. He just turned 8 months and is still not crawling! What's worse is that he manages to get around, but only when I'm not looking. I turn my back for 2 seconds and he is across the living room tearing the books out of the bookcase. I think he might know how to crawl, but only does it when I'm not looking to torture me.

Is it bad that I let him tear up our books?

It keeps him happy and gives me 5 minutes of peace and quiet.

Maybe I need to relax and enjoy not having to chase him around the house yet.


Chelsea said...

If I had baby that cute, I'd let him tear apart the books too. He's so adorable. By the way, it's Chelsea.

Candace said...

Don't worry, Carter didn't start crawling until he was 10 months. I went to my mom's house and left one day for about 5 hours to run errands for her and when I came back, she had him crawling. I think big babies have a harder time crawling...so much weight to carry around. :)

Alicia Leppert said...

Mary Ann, don't forgot about the infamous tick paranoia. It always made Girls Camp so much fun!
I always let my babies pull out the books. It got to be annoying to keep putting them back, but it was so worth it to keep them occupied. It's amazing at what you'll let your kids do for five mins. peace. And don't worry about the "milestones." They don't matter as much as you think.

[M] said...

Can someone please tell me how I am the only person to ever get a tick at girls camp? I sprayed myself with repellant every 5-10 minutes all week long! Nice to hear Carter didn't crawl til 10 months. I don't know why I get so worried about this stuff.