Nov 1, 2010

12 months

Our sweet little sugar plum (what daddy calls her) is a whole year old. Her personality has blossomed and she is definitely sugar and spice and everything nice. She is the sweetest, best snuggler and would prefer to spend much of her day with her limbs wrapped tight around you like a monkey and her head rested on your shoulder. She give the BEST hugs ever. To be sure. But only if she knows you. Otherwise she will wiggle and scream her way back to familiar arms. She has the worst separation anxiety of the three. The boys never really had it.

She loves to play with her brothers. She can growl and roar and vroom cars. When she sees the boys she shrieks, yells, points and says "bro-bro". They are her favorite people. She also loves her "da da". Most of the time. The other day she was particularly clingy (teething) and wouldn't go to J-P at all. She shook her head vigorously and put a vice grip around my neck when I tried to pass her off. J-P attempted all of his sweet talk to lure her away, but nothing worked. It wasn't until he said "Ava, do you want to go outside and go down the slide?", that she jumped out of my arms and flung herself in his direction. Needless to say, going down the slide is her favorite thing to do. She is our first adventurous child.

Although she is a skilled climber, she has no interest in walking. She has taken as many as five steps, and can stand for long periods of time. I am hoping she walks soon, partly because she is wearing out all her pants, but also because I am so excited for her to wear the cute shoes I have bought. I'll admit it. She is saying a few words. "Mom, Da da, uh-oh, bro-bro (brother), this, that," Today she was walking along the cabinets in the kitchen, and when she got to the oven door she patted it twice and with a big smile said "hot!" She also says "hi" when talking on her play phone.

Her stats:

height: 31 inches (95%)
weight: 20 pounds (25%)
head: 18 inches (65%)

I had no idea she was so light. She is the same size that Max was at four months. Exactly heavy enough to turn her carseat around. Phew.

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