Seeing the world through the eyes of a two and three-year-old is quite entertaining. Today I'm loving Ian's obsession with fire hydrants. He explodes with enthusiasm when he sees one. Like it's the coolest thing EVER. "Mom, LOOK!!! It's a fire hydrant! A yellow one!"
Yesterday Max got a container of strawberries out of the fridge and started eating them while I was feeding the baby. Ian woke up from his nap and walked into the kitchen. When Max saw him he said "Ian, come eat strawberries with me! But these strawberries have weeds in them. First you have to pull the weed and then you can eat this!" I had a large pile of "weeds" to clean up off of the floor when they were finished.
I laughed out loud about the weeds. That's great. And seriously, we are so grateful for you guys. Max and Ian are Clark's best buddies. Something to do with fire hydrant obsession, maybe?! I got some pretty strange looks at Target the other day when I let Clark explore the chains on the fire hydrant. He LOVES trying to "fix" them.
LOL, I can just picture Max saying this to Ian! Miss you guys!
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