Apr 25, 2010

sunday pictures

Max (always holding a dinosaur) and Ava
Ian (who never stops talking) and Ava
I tried to snap photos of all three children after church today, lest the boys read this blog one day and feel bad about the overload of Ava pictures. But, to be honest, the only reason I have so many pictures of her is because she can't move yet. She is the only one who stays still long enough to have her picture taken. And she will be crawling in the next few months so I have to take them while I still can. Anyway, the boys argued about who got to sit on her right side until I solved things by taking two separate pictures.

Ian is constantly talking to Ava, and is easily frustrated when he doesn't think she is listening. He grabs her face with both hands and says "Ava! Did you hear me, Ava?" He is also constantly analyzing their differences. "Mom, Ava doesn't have eyebrows, but I do. And she doesn't have a pee-pee, but she has a bum just like me! And her poop is yellow mom, but mine is brown. Uh, what color is your poop mom? Oh, it's brown? But what about dad, is his brown too? Mom, Ava poops in her diaper just like me, but Max poops in the toilet. Mom, Ava is just a little baby, but I am a big, HUGE boy...(and so on and so forth)"


jlthomas said...

Your kids are all so adorable and they sound like they have great personalities!

Brynn said...

OH NO!!!!! That is how Dallin has been since he started talking. And to be honest there are times when it drives me CRAZY!!!!! But other times it makes me laugh.
Your kids are super cute! Ava's cheeks are my favorite.

ecuakim said...

Oh my word I LOVE THIS POST! Darling. Love the pictures and I love the Ian commentary. Hilarious.

AshleyFamily said...

Love this. Your kids sound just as engaging as their mom. What's going to happen when all of these overly astute, talkative personalities gracing our homes these days grow up and all meet each other their freshman year at BYU? (And we thought we had some crazy times!)