Apr 11, 2010

pretty ava

This morning I put a dress on Ava that I had been saving for Easter (I know I'm late). I couldn't even button it. She is getting SO big. The first six months of having a baby are my fav. Mostly because there is lots of snuggling and not a lot of messes. I am not looking forward to feeding her real food in a few more weeks, and especially not looking forward to the transition to smelly diapers. Why can't they stay little forever?


Jessica said...

Pretty baby! She looks just like you AND just like J-P! Kind of amazing how that happens. (Of course, not in our case. In our case, we have a case of Dave's Greedy Genes and cloning.)

ecuakim said...

She's beautiful. And I feel that I need to clarify something. You are right that I'm not a "baby" person, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to hold Ava. You know how you love your friend's/family's kids more than anyone else's kids? Well, that's how I feel about your kids. I just love them. Can you blame me? I mean, they're like the cutest things on the planet! So, if my arms get tired or if I just don't want to hold her anymore, I promise to hand her off; but until then, I'm content to snuggle my little darlin' friend.