Jun 30, 2008


I love feeling inspired. I love finding answers to my questions. I love the calm, yet powerful feeling that assures me the answers are right. You know, the opposite of the pit in your stomach feeling. I always get the pit feeling when something isn't right. Always. Once I got the pit feeling so bad I actually threw up. Although that experience wasn't pleasant, it helped me avoid what would have been a very bad marriage.

Lately I have been fretting about food. I have read SO many books on food and nutrition. Too many to count. So many of them have contradictory information. To eat meat or not? To eat dairy products or not? To cook your food or eat it raw? What foods cause cancer? I opened the ensign magazine that just came in the mail and found my answer in the form of this article. Then I did a google search and found this.

If you look close you can see ian's two new teeth

Over the past couple of years I have thought a lot about immunizations. After lots of conversations and research I decided that the benefits of immunizing my children outweighed the risks. I was about 95% for immunizations, 5% scared to death that they would impair max and ian's sparkling personalities. Yesterday I stumbled upon this information on providentliving.org. I was immediately overwhelmed with the feeling that I had made the right decision. I won't have anymore shot anxiety at our next appointment because I know I've made the right decision. The right decision for me anyway.


~Sarah said...

Hey thanks for the links. It was fun to read up on the church's stance with our diet & immunizations. Great reading. I love the pictures, too!

Chelsea said...

M-A, I'd love if you could post or email me what you feed to Ian that makes him so chunky. The fact that Michael can't eat dairy or soy, makes him skinny. Fruits and veggies, just isn't cutting it. I made some bread today that is dairy/soy free, and he seemed to like it. I know that he would love to eat some cheese or yogurt!

Natasha said...

Thanks for sharing this Mary Ann. It's great inspiration.

Natasha said...

and the boys...absolutely adorable!

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

Looking forward to reading the WofW article when Abby is not screaming for attention. Glad to hear the leaders urge what A&I already believe on immunizations and SUPER bummed we missed you while you were here in SoCal!

Alicia Leppert said...

Thanks for this. I have a lot of anxieties too about stuff and I am so grateful for any and all guidance the church offers on any topic. I can't wait to read these.

ecuakim said...

Awesome. Thanks for sharing. Now I won't feel as bad bashing parents who are immunization protesters. :) Love your pictures, by the way. Talk about talent Mary Ann! You are amazing!

kim aguilar