Aug 15, 2007

The results are in...

After our second visit to the allergist and a skin prick test (Max didn't even blink), it was determined that Max is allergic to: wheat, eggs, peanuts, walnuts, and dairy. The only thing on the test that he wasn't allergic to was soy. I could write a whole blog about why soy products scare me (I'll take corn over soy any day), so naturally I was discouraged by the results. The doctor said there is a chance the test could yield a false positive, and scratched his head about what I should do.

Doc: I hate to tell you to avoid these foods...especially if he isn't gaining weight.

Me: Huh? But isn't he allergic to them?
Doc: Yes, but...hmm...if you only see a reaction with milk...

Me: So, just avoid dairy?

Doc: Yes, and probably peanuts. Too bad, such a great source of protein. And probably eggs.

Me: So wheat is ok?

Doc: Well, uh, let's try avoiding wheat too...just in case. Then come back in a couple of months and we'll see how he's doing.

I still feel like I'm in the dark and haven't gotten any definitive answers. Max is an extremely picky eater, a would be fruitarian, and it was a huge challenge to get him to eat before the diagnosis. I've placed a request and am patiently waiting for several allergy books and cookbooks to be transferred to my local library. I'm trying to look for information online but am running into a lot of dead ends. If anyone has any advice, experience, or recipes send them my way!


Chelsea said...

Wow, I don't even know what to say. Let's hope the tests were wrong. That is some rough news to hear.

~Sarah said...

Definitely some rough news - poor Max, poor you? Have you found some good recipes, yet? Hopefully you find some good ones.