Max is one year old and is already turning into his dad. He loves to tease me. He is just as bad as J-P. It started with playing dead. One day he collapsed onto the floor, closed his eyes, and remained listless. Normally he never stops moving, so naturally I became alarmed. I ran to him, shook him, and said “Max, what’s wrong?” He waited a couple seconds and then opened his eyes and started laughing hysterically. The next day, he was sitting quietly on the floor. As soon as I looked his way, he started picking up mystery items off of the floor and putting them in his mouth as fast as he could. I had just swept, but figured I had missed something so I went to do my usual finger swipe to retrieve the items. As soon as I pried his mouth open he started laughing hysterically. There was nothing there. He was faking me out again. Now he plays dead and pretends to put things in his mouth all day long, but only when he knows I’m watching.
Max’s 12 month check up didn’t go so well. He has lost 2 ½ pounds and hasn’t grown at all since his 9 month check-up. I wasn’t too shocked because he is the pickiest eater on the planet and would much rather throw his food on the floor than eat it. He doesn’t like anything. I spend most of my day using my creative juices to concoct meals that might please his palate. He just shakes his head and pushes all of my hard work away. When I explained this to his Pediatrician, he said “have you tried milkshakes, French fries, ice cream?” I said “yep, he spits it all out.” He didn’t know what to say. After a moment of silence he said “what a funny kid…good luck.” I never dreamed I would have to bring Max in every few weeks for a weight check.
I have had a very stressful month with Max’s eating problems, mysterious allergic reactions, placenta worries (partial placenta previa), and a busy husband. I am also trying to emotionally prepare myself for another boy who seems to be even more active than Max was. Did I mention we have to speak in church next week? Ay, ay, ay. A vacation is in order! It’s a beautiful 115 degrees, and our pool is a nice relaxing 90 degrees if anyone wants to come and visit.
p.s. The pictures are from Max's first real trip to the beach. It was a cold, windy day and he didn't really like it. We took him to the same spot at Newport beach that I always went to with my family. He fell asleep on the long walk down the boardwalk to The Crab Cooker (one of my favorite restaurants).
Picky eaters are the worst. I can sooo relate. All Macy would eat at that age was chicken nuggets, breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Very cute pictures. I didn't know you were having another boy!! When are you coming to El Pasco?
For not liking it much, it looks like he had a nice time. I love the picture of him wiped out.
I love Newport Beach and I love the Crab Coooker. My little boy was born in Newport Beach. I had a view of the Ocean in the birthing room.
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