Mar 10, 2007

Desert Living

It's been a long week. Max and I have been trying to survive without J-P since he has been travelling for work. I have been inexplicably exhausted and as soon as I can get Max down for bed I grab a magazine and veg to an episode of Lost or Get Color. Somehow I feel more productive if I'm folding laundry, eating dinner, reading a magazine, and watching T.V. at the same time. Sometimes I wish guys (I won't mention any names) could multi-task the way I can. I really believe it is a talent.

The good news: summer is here. It was a beautiful 85 degrees yesterday. We had a grand ol' time running barefoot in the park, eating hamburgers, and chewing the fat with friends at our ward BBQ last night. I really love living in Arizona. The bad news: our desert vegetation is dead. We had a freak freeze this winter and it killed every lovely thing living in our landscape. The only thing that survived is the one thing that I wanted to die: our white oleander. I am so paranoid about it that I won't let J-P prune it because I'm afraid it will kill him. There have been adults who have died from roasting hot dogs on oleander branches.

The palms by the pool didn't make it, we are hoping they come back. You can also see views of the dead Hibiscus and Bougainvillea.
Who knew a freeze could kill a cactus.
It got the best of our Aloe as well...
Our rocks made it.
So did the agave. It's my favorite plant. I love the color.
We are off to Home Depot right now to get some tomato, basil, and zucchini plants for the garden. Then we are off to mow the lawn and have a planting party. It's finally warm enough to plant the lemon and orange trees that have been patiently parked on our patio.

1 comment:

Alicia Leppert said...

Wow. It's so interesting to me that you ended up living in Arizona. This is always where I pictured both of us living in middle school, warm climate with palm trees, never cold, but I always thought it would be Cali. I love that at least half of my vision came true! P.S. I cannot believe that is your backyard, pool and all. You're living my dream, woman!