We knew Max was strong when the nurse couldn't hold his leg down to give him his PKU test when he was 2 weeks old. We knew he was really strong at four months when it took 4 people (including J-P) to hold him down for head X-rays when he cracked his skull. We had to re-do the X-rays several times because they were blurry from his protest wiggling. Now he is stronger than me. Sad, I know. I can't hold him down to change his diaper. He manages to wiggle free and crawl away every time, even though I am using my whole body to pin him down. Bath time is even more impossible. I can't hold him still long enough to wash anything, and I spend most of the time trying to stop him from crawling out of the tub.
The latest news is that Max and I are both iron deficient. I guess all of that iron fortified oatmeal isn't doing it's job. We are also in the painful process of weaning. Max is losing weight and I am freaking out as my milk is drying up and he is refusing to take a bottle. He has sunk down to the 95th percentile for weight, and his once too-tight pants are now falling off of him. Yesterday a lady came up to me and said, "it sure looks like you're starving him." I almost burst into tears. I wanted to explain that it wasn't my fault, but I tried to be gracious and smiled. Then she started pinching his cheeks and I breathed a sigh of relief as I realized she was being sarcastic. At least I hope she was. I felt even better when someone else came up and asked if he was 2 years old.
Anyway, there will be lots of red meat in store for this closet vegetarian... If you have any good recipes, send them my way. All tips on getting your baby to take a bottle are welcome as well.
Max is definitely not starving! I wish I could pinch his cheeks through this computer screen! As far as the bottle...good luck. I have never gotten my babies to take a bottle. They went from nursing to a sippy cup at 10 months.
I never got Michael to take a bottle, but he loved using a straw, so I found a toddler cup with a straw that he now uses. He also never took formula, so when he was old enough, I gave him cow's milk mixed with either bananas or peaches. Just ideas.
Max loves his sippy cup (water and apple j.), but I've tried putting formula and even cows milk in it and he starts throwing a tantrum and throws it across the room. I am definitely going to try the bananas/peaches idea. Thanks for the tip.
Mary Ann, it makes me laugh so much that you ended up with such a big, strong baby that tiny little you can't physically handle! It doesn't seem like he could have come from you!
And seriously, people who make comments about anyone's baby's weight, whether it be large or small, need to be smacked upside the head, they make me so mad.
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