May 30, 2010

7 months

Sometime during our conversion to this new gluten-free lifestyle, Ava turned 7 months-old. I can't tell you how much I love having a sweet baby girl around. Even if she does prefer to be held, entertained, or nursed for 99 % of the day. I am happy to oblige.
I am very happy to report that she is sleeping in her crib ON HER BACK for the first time in her life. She has had reflux since the second she was born, and has spent every night in the swing. I have tried several times to move her to the crib, but the whole waking-up-every-10-minutes-all-night-long didn't work for me and back to the swing she went. She is even sleeping until 4:30 and then nursing and sleeping until 6:30. Which is nothing short of a miracle.
In the past week she has also decided to stay on her stomach for more than a millisecond. I was worried she would never crawl because every time I put her on her stomach she would flip over before I could even set her down. Now she is even scooting, mostly backward and in circles...but still. It's progress. I only wish I would have gotten my act together on this food elimination thing sooner.
In other news: still no sign of teeth. She is also overdue for her third haircut (a record at chez scoville). She has taken well to solids, and will eat anything as long as she is hungry.
And she loves her mama better than ANYONE else. The other two didn't have much trouble with separation anxiety. She gets her feelings hurt if I try to pass her off to her dad when she's sad. And by "feelings hurt" I mean complete and total hysteria. Which resolves to peaceful silence the moment she is back in my arms. Oh how I love her. Drama and all.


ecuakim said...

Is it normal when they develop this at Clark's age? He has always been a mama's boy, but this is getting ridiculous. He has started to freak out when I'm not the one to help him go potty, or get in the tub, or change his clothes. No matter what it is, he doesn't want Jose to do ANY of it. I'm not sure how cute I think it is...not at this age!

dandee said...

she's a doll.