May 5, 2010

creative play

Some afternoons I let the boys tear the house apart. When I have things that need to get done (and naps are not going to happen), I debate...turn on the TV or let them play? Keep my house clean + impede their cognitive development, or let creativity reign? Yesterday was a play day.


Max: (as he pulls his shirt over his head) Look Ian! I am a BIG, scary wolf! Rrrrrrr! You're a dinosaur, ok?

Ian: No Max! I'm not a dinosaur, I'm a BIG, scary polar bear! Roooaaaar!
- - - - -
Ian: (as he puts a makeshift sword up to Max) Max, say you're a COD FISH! Say you're a COD FISH! Hahahahahaha!

Max: No Ian, that's not how you play. This is how you play--I'll be the captain, you be the hook, OK?


blindblogger said...

Just tell us where you got that ginger-jar-shaped basket. Inspirational!

[M] said...


ecuakim said...

Hahahahhaha! I love it!

Sarah said...

Ron never understands that the only way the house is clean when he comes home is if the tv has been on keeping the kids from getting everything out over and over. What fun is that! Turn off the tv and embrace that messy house! I know I need to more often! By the way, your kids are just so stinking cute!

Shells said...

If you come to my house, and it is clean, that means the kids have been watching way too much TV.

What did parents do before the invention of cartoons?