Dec 14, 2009


...So the jury is still out on the whole blog privatization thing. I have never really worried about going private because, to be honest, nobody reads my blog. Four people subscribe to my blog in google reader. One of them is me. I used to have a hit counter and it was rare for my blog traffic to reach double digits.

The other day I was writing a post and noticed that 3 people were following my blog. I recognized two of them. I was HORRIFIED to learn that the third was a perverted would-be child predator who likes "men" and "beautiful little boys"(if you are reading this shoo...stay away from my blog). I didn't sleep all night. I felt like the worst mom in the world for exposing my innocent little family to cyber creeps.

The next day I wanted to pack up and move to an undisclosed location, change my children's names, and hire a bodyguard. I did some more research and discovered that my blog stalker was a high school student in Ohio. How in the world did he find my blog? Seriously?

I'm just wondering how big of a deal having a public blog is. I really appreciate it when people keep their blogs public because I don't have time to check them and instead receive the feed through google reader. And there are certain members of my family that can barely figure out how to check my blog when it is public. I can't decide what to do. Thoughts?

p.s. i can't stop laughing and thinking of this post.


Anonymous said...

Go private. Keep the perve away. You poor children are feeding his sickness. I agree with the link ou posted. Protect thier faces. It is sick to think of the perve. I vote keep the perve away, but plesae let me in. And you will sleep better.

Kathryn M said...

Public or private I will read your blog. If private will let you sleep at night do it! Sadly it's stories like this that make me not want to bring precious babies into this evil world...

Unknown said...

I'm glad you love SSB too! It seriously makes my day when TAMN has a new post.

Kelli said...

I want in too!


Marianne said...

I'm one of those people who subscribes to your blog through Google Reader, and I'm also one of those people who pretty much only keeps up with blogs that way. :) I personally get frustrated when people go private because then I tend to forget about them, because Reader has made me lazy, I think. I have also yet to hear a convincing reason to go private. HOWEVER, it sounds like you have one! I do love your blog, so I'd make the effort! :) My sister-in-law somehow e-mails out each of her blog posts to people who want them, so maybe that's an option.

Whitney said...

I know what you mean Mary Ann. I've been worried about things like that too. I'm seriously tempted to just delete my blog and keep up with my facebook. I'm so bad at blogging!

Kathy C said...

I hear ya, sister! I'm a total fence-sitter when it comes to the whole going private issue. I have almost done it twice, but my laptop won't let me have access to private blogs (don't ask me why) and it's a pain to have to do it on Chris's computer. So I stayed public. It also has to do with the fact that I am too lazy to look up other people's private blogs, too. Reader rocks, I just wish they had some way of adding private blogs to their lists. Until then, I think I'm staying public. Maybe. =) Was that at all helpful? ;)

dandee said...

I have to admit, once someone goes private, I never check their blog again. Google reader is too easy.

You have to do what's best for you. If going private helps you sleep a little better, than do it.

Jessica said...

I'm not a fan of private blogs because they make it hard on me by not showing up in my sidebar when they are updated. But I am just lazy. :) I would still check yours though, so if that's what makes you comfortable, by all means, go for it. :)

Kathy C said...

I now have an official position on this and am going private. I hate that I'm doing it, but some weirdo has been spending inordinate amounts of time on my blog, always clicking on pictures of Jessie. So, yeah... that's freaking me out a little. I'm switching over on Sunday.