When Max
draws an eyeliner mural on my bedroom door...
dumps out two boxes of cereal in 5 seconds flat...
takes a blue marker to the chair i reupholstered (in dry-clean-only fabric)
slams Ian's hand/head/foot in the door...
takes off his diaper and pees on me...
rips out my garden plants...
dumps soup on his head...
rips all the pages out of his books...
climbs up the pantry and dumps the honey out...
I take a deep breath and glance at my poster. Words are powerful. I think every mother of a two-year-old boy should have this poster hanging in their house. I'm telling you, it helps. I wish I could channel all of Max's spontaneity and creativity in a constructive (and not destructive) way.
In addition to documenting his naughtiness, I also wanted to jot down a few funny things he has said lately:
"I'll mow the lawn mommy...someday, somehow." (as he was pushing his toy mower)
"Watch out dude!" (when a truck almost his us the other day)
"Take care!" (as I was saying goodbye to a former student that checked us out at Old Navy)
"The garbage truck comes Wednesday and Saturday mommy, NOT Thursday." (this is only funny because he says it every 1.5 minutes...just in case I forget. It's amazing that he has learned the days of the week just so he can figure out when the garbage truck will come.)
That is the funniest picture I've ever seen. I love Max sweeping up his own HUGE mess and I love Ian eating what's left of the mess of the floor. Oh boys!
Have you heard that alleries make kids more active? Michael is the most active child I've ever seen. The most happy, and the most active.
Looks like you have your hands full. Where did you get your poster? Maybe I should get one for when he turns two.
If you click on the word "this" it links you to where I bought it. They have tons of them on Etsy.
I know kids with food allergies tend to have a higher incidence of ADD/ADHD. Not sure about the stats on that one. I think a large part of it is personality. Ian is a lot milder.
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