Sep 13, 2007

Stroller Savvy

We finally sold J-P's electric guitar (for full asking price!). This allowed me the freedom to buy this fab stroller without the normal guilt or stomach ache that, for me, always accompany a major purchase. Plus, I got a steal of a deal on ebay. I've been researching double strollers for months, and the Phil and Ted's E3 sport is where it's at. This stroller has magic powers. It is very important that I have a good stroller because Max's favorite thing to do is go on a walk. In fact, "walk" was one of his first words. He doesn't appreciate my lectures on heat stroke and the dangers of going for walks in 110 degree weather.

Aside from walks, I have been cooking non-stop. Every time Max is hungry, I have to make him something from scratch. Literally. There is not a packaged, processed food (not even a cracker!) on the market that I can give him. It's so exhausting. On top, I have to cook a separate meal for J-P and me. Sometimes I cook up to three meals a night if Max doesn't like the first one I give him. Tomorrow is his 15 month check-up. I'm afraid to say that after all this hard work, I'll feel very discouraged if he hasn't grown or gained. Fingers are crossed.


Andrea said...

Good choice on strollers! I am dying for a Phil and Ted's, but after purchasing five "perfect" strollers over the last four years, I am banned from further stroller purchases. Enjoy!!

Alicia Leppert said...

Very cool stroller. It's funny, but I never bought one of those. I don't know how I did it. Good luck to Max on the weight gain. I feel your pain (about finding stuff for him to eat.)

Anonymous said...

What color did you get? I'm still loving mine.

[M] said...

Red. Sorry to copy you. Thanks again for letting me try yours...I didn't have the guts to buy one based on reviews alone. If you have any other baby product tips, send them my way.

S. Schuller said...

Great stroller, Mary Ann! I feel for you having to cook so many meals everyday! Maybe Baby #2 won't have any allergies and you at least won't have to cook so much for him! (It's a boy, right?)