Feb 19, 2011


We make smoothies a lot. At least every day. I do my best to rotate ingredients. We have a LOT of variety in our diet these days to prevent new food sensitivities from popping up. Rotation diets are supposed to do wonders for the food allergic, so we are trying it out. Anyway, today I was making a banana, mango, pineapple, and vanilla hemp milk smoothie. Right before I turned on the blender, Max stopped me. "Mom! Wait! What about the green stuff?!? You forgot the green stuff! Should I go pick something?" We picked a handful of kale and threw it in. Along with a tiny bit of raw honey to mask the bitterness. And it was actually really, really good. Long live the Shrek smoothie (as Max calls it).


Marianne said...

That's awesome. I LOVE green smoothies. Haven't found a veggie I like as much as spinach in them, though. Kale is a tough one - I've tried it a few times, and can never mask the bitterness well enough. Do you have other greens that you use that aren't so bitter?

[M] said...

yes, we put in chard and beet greens and those aren't quite as bitter as kale. the reason i try to use kale instead of spinach/chard/beet greens is because it is lower in oxalates. some people can't process oxalates very well. i.e. people that get kidney stones or kids on the autism spectrum. spinach is the highest in oxalates, so we don't ever use it because of Max. although i'm still not completely sure he is on the spectrum. here is an article about it:


Kathryn M said...

You have some great kids! I hope mine suggest the same thing!