Mar 1, 2010


Today I am taking deep breaths. Counting to ten. Cultivating patience. Biting my tongue. Learning to appreciate abstract art. Tracking down every last marker in this house. Destroying them. Counting down the hours until bedtime.

To be fair, today was actually a great day. I would say 97% great, 3% crazy. The boys were very well behaved at Sprouts, and at the outdoor mall while I ran a few errands. Ava slept the morning away while I indulged in a dark chocolate truffle blizzard and watched the boys play on the toys. The weather couldn't have been more perfect. Some cute conversations that took place:

(as max and ian were holding hands and walking into sprouts)
ian: hi max, how are you doing? do you like to play with toys? and dinosaurs?
max: yep. i do.

(ian found an umbrella in the car)
ian: look max! i found a cinderbrella!
max: no ian, that's not a cinderbrella, that's an underbrella. mom, tell ian it's an underbrella.
ian: no max, that's not an underbrella, it's called a cin-der-brell-a!


Chelsea said...

Oh Boy!!! I hope the hubby is home to clean things up for you. Question, were you nursing???

[M] said...

Chelsea, these things usually happen while I'm nursing, but this time I was taking pictures of ava (no more than 8 feet away). They are so fast. And I really thought we had gotten rid of all the markers. I swear they pull things out of thin air.

~Sarah said...

Oh no, you're wall?? Did it come off okay? Those boys are fast. But cute conversations they had during the day. Very creative.

ecuakim said...

Oh funny post. Glad I got to see it in person, I might not have really believed it otherwise. Clark had such a great time with the boys today, as always, so thanks for letting us pop in. Oh, and you can add Clark's umbwella to the debate.

Unknown said...

Say it with me now--washable markers. Washable crayons. And there's always Magic Eraser. Hope it came off!

Shells said...

Oh My Goodness!