Mar 4, 2010

four months

Ava at four months:

height: 26 inches (95th percentile)
weight: 16 lbs 6 oz (90th percentile)

She has rolled each way, but does not roll on a regular basis. She laughs hysterically when I am in a serious conversation with someone, yet gives a wide-eyed stare when someone is performing a song-and-dance routine to get her to laugh. Although she did do some pretty serious giggling when the doctor rolled his tongue at her.

She never spits up, despite some lingering reflux. She does lose her voice after about 30 seconds of intense screaming. It is really sad to see, and only happens when we are driving and I can't pick her up.

Time is flying too quickly. I can't believe she is already growing out of some of her 12 month clothes. I suppose it's almost time to start planning her first birthday tea party...

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