Max could explain why he screams and cries all day for toast with honey (Tooaast!!...Honey!!) and then refuses to eat it when I make it for him. When I give it to him he signs (the only sign language he knows) "all finished" and pushes it away. When I ask him to take a bite he says "no-no...nuh-no...NUH-NO!...", louder and louder until I take it away from him. An hour later we start the process again when he begs, tears and all, for more toast. I'm stumped.
Ian could explain why he refuses to take a pacifier. He could also explain why he insists on nursing until he pukes. Seriously, he is addicted. He doesn't know when to stop. If I try to cut him off, he throws a fit. We took him to the hospital for an ultrasound to get to the bottom of his chronic puking. We were instructed not to feed him for 3 hours before the procedure. We didn't feed him for 5 hours, to be safe. The technician told me that she didn't believe that we hadn't fed him for three hours because his stomach was very full and blocking the sound waves. I suppose that explains the chubby cheeks.
And I'm not sure what to do about this whole thumb-sucking thing. I don't mind it when the thumb sucking helps him sleep through the night. The thought of a thumb-sucking toddler is too much for me to handle. Is there any way to break the habit before it's too late? He WILL NOT take a pacifier. Believe me, I've tried. All day. Everyday. Since he was born. Not gonna happen.
Man, that stinks. I took the pacifier to the hospital with me and stuck it in his mouth right after he was born, and luckily it worked. That's terrible he won't take one! He still tries to suck his thumb all the time though and it's been a full time job for me taking his hands out of his mouth and putting the pacifier in.
I was like you, I swore I wouldn't have a thumb sucker....luckily for me though my baby is somewhat complying. Have you tried putting sugar water on his pacifier? When we took Michael to children's hospital that's what they did to get him to quit crying.
That stinks about Max. No advice-not to that stage yet.
my sister in law finally got her 2 1/2 year old to stop sucking by putting a band aid on her thumb and keeping it there (it's still on there a month later!) usually thumb sucking has a secondary comfort, like a blanky, and when you take away the secondary item, the thumb sucking is supposed to stop. but my sister-in-law had to use the band aid because her little girl's secondary was rubbing her belly button and they couldn't take that away! i'd enjoy the self-soothing for now and worry about it next year :)
It can be just as bad to try to break a toddler of the pacifier, so I'm not sure it's that much of a difference.
Max makes me laugh so much. Reading the toast story made me think of that article in the WASCO they did just before graduation of all the things to do to drive your college roommate insane. The list was hilarious, and made me think of this, like Max is just begging for toast that he absolutely doesn't want just to watch you pull your hair out!
Man, that stinks. I took the pacifier to the hospital with me and stuck it in his mouth right after he was born, and luckily it worked. That's terrible he won't take one! He still tries to suck his thumb all the time though and it's been a full time job for me taking his hands out of his mouth and putting the pacifier in.
I was like you, I swore I wouldn't have a thumb sucker....luckily for me though my baby is somewhat complying. Have you tried putting sugar water on his pacifier? When we took Michael to children's hospital that's what they did to get him to quit crying.
That stinks about Max. No advice-not to that stage yet.
By the way, I'm loving his hair.
my sister in law finally got her 2 1/2 year old to stop sucking by putting a band aid on her thumb and keeping it there (it's still on there a month later!) usually thumb sucking has a secondary comfort, like a blanky, and when you take away the secondary item, the thumb sucking is supposed to stop. but my sister-in-law had to use the band aid because her little girl's secondary was rubbing her belly button and they couldn't take that away! i'd enjoy the self-soothing for now and worry about it next year :)
It can be just as bad to try to break a toddler of the pacifier, so I'm not sure it's that much of a difference.
Max makes me laugh so much. Reading the toast story made me think of that article in the WASCO they did just before graduation of all the things to do to drive your college roommate insane. The list was hilarious, and made me think of this, like Max is just begging for toast that he absolutely doesn't want just to watch you pull your hair out!
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