Mar 24, 2008

Easter Update

I contacted the Easter bunny to let him know to delay his visit. Max was too sick to hunt for eggs, and definitely too sick to eat candy. It all started on Friday. Max and I were enjoying our shopping date at the grocery store. At least I was enjoying it because Max was unusually quiet. He broke the silence and began spewing vomit like a garden sprinkler. He soaked his clothes, and did some pretty major damage in the Easter candy aisle. He spent the weekend sitting lethargically on the couch with his dad. Pobrecito.

We had a very casual Easter with J-P's sisters and their dinner dates. I was a nonconformist and made salmon. I also decided to go green this year--I bought cloth napkins instead of paper. I also decorated with things I had around the house. You never know when your food storage is going to come in handy.

I think we'll have our egg hunt today.


Chelsea said...

I really, really like your decor. Way to go M-A.

Alicia Leppert said...

I sat staring at that picture of your table wondering if it was an actual picture you took or one you found online that you liked. Wow. That table looks amazing.
Poor one should ever be sick on holidays. It should be illegal.

Anonymous said...

Maryann- Way cute table. So what did you do when max starting throwing up? ugh! How do you cook your salmon?

S. Schuller said...

Your table looks amazing! I thought it was a magazine picture too! Your wheat grass looks great. Mine didn't turn out that thick like yours. I hope Max is feeling better. What a "great" thing to happen at the store. What doesn't kill us makes us better, eh?

[M] said...

hey staci...after max threw up I ran and grabbed a bottle of pedialite and went straight home. i haven't had good luck with frozen salmon so I only buy fresh. I just squeeze fresh lemon on it, rub crushed garlic on it, drizzle olive oil and some spices and broil it--10 minutes per inch.

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

What a beautifully set Easter table. Happy to see the table we shared a dinner around on its first night in your home is still looking FAB!