(This is the battle I lost last night at dinner...) I was tagged by Ashley. Ashley is a childhood friend, former roommate, and superstar about to give birth in China.
Ten years ago… I was exercising like a crazy person at BYU in order to lose my freshman 15 (maybe it was my freshman 10, but still…). I never thought eating a banana split every night at midnight would catch up to me. It did. I was also jogging from the dorms to Los Hermanos Restaurant often with my friend Staci, constantly debating whether it was worth the embarrassment of wearing our Los Hermanos T-shirt to get a free drink.
Things on my to-do-list today.
-Make brown rice flour, garbanzo flour, and tapioca flour
-Make brown rice bread for Max
-Pull weeds
-Clean, clean, and then clean some more
-Go to the library
What would I do if I were suddenly made a billionaire?
I would go to graduate school and culinary arts school, buy modest houses in all my favorite countries, start some foundations, have ten more kids, run for POTUS, and initiate a family spa day. Oh, and hire a personal shopper.
Five things people don’t know about me…
-I have met a Princess of Spain.
-I have been having recurring dreams about Disneyland since I was five.
-I used to be a democrat.
-I have been to Haiti. Yikes.
-I have been to both of Christopher Columbus’ tombs (and I have my theories about which is the real one...).
Three bad habits
-Letting my junk drawer accumulate far beyond the acceptable level.
-Drinking too much water right before I go to bed.
-Forgetting to floss.
Three places I have lived:
-Santiago, Dominican Republic
-Los Angeles, CA
-Salt Lake City, UT
Five jobs I have had
-Spanish Teacher, Beverly Hills, CA
-Private Spanish Tutor, Beverly Hills, CA
-Junior High Alternative School Teacher SLC, UT
-Waitress, Double Tree Hotel, Pasco, WA
-Accounts Payable, Control Air Corp., Orange, CA