Jan 29, 2010

the temple

My 82-year-old grandma is going through the temple for the first time today. I wish I could be there, but instead I am home babysitting three sick kids. Earlier this week we went to the temple grounds with the kids to walk around. The boys loved running around barefoot with uncle Alex and cousin Braden. I loved the sunshine + spending time with family.


Whitney said...

That is so awesome, MA! And Alex is looking so much like your dad, it's amazing! Have fun with your family--hope your sickies get better soon!

Chelsea said...

I would come watch your kids for you, sick and all.

~Sarah said...

Hope it turned out to be a great day for your grandma. How did dinner turn out? Sorry I wasn't able to come help.

ecuakim said...

That is so great! (About Grandma, not about sick kiddos.) My grandma went through the temple when I was in the MTC so I couldn't be there either, but I was so proud of her!