Jan 23, 2010

rainy week

This week has been crazy. Non-stop rain, flood warnings, tornado warnings, wind, broken trees. Not the winter I signed up for when I decided to move here. I like the sun. It makes me happy. Anyway, we were holed up at home all week because J-P was off working and I was not brave enough to venture out into wet, stormy weather with all three.

After a couple days we started to run out of things to eat. Whenever there is nothing to eat and I am too lazy to go to the store or get creative with what's in the fridge, we eat blender pancakes and smoothies. Normally I throw frozen blueberries in the pancakes, but decided to change things up and add pumpkin and chocolate chips. Pumpkin is a vegetable, right?

pancake recipe HERE


S. Schuller said...

M-A, You are my inspiration! Whole wheat pumpkin pancakes and smoothies?!? Can I come over? Yum. Ava is adorable. She is seriously the sweetest thing. Keep up the good work. Your boys are super cute too.

Amie said...

I love that pix of Max...the dinosaur is almost as large as he is!