Jan 31, 2010


Ava and I just got back from a night in urgent care. I'm starting to rethink the idea of having winter babies. RSV is NOT fun. It scares me to death. In fact, I'm pretty sure I died for a few seconds when Ava's oxygen saturation got down to 77. When I looked at the nurse with panic, she assured me that she would probably be blue if it was really that low. They eventually let us go home with steroids and breathing treatments.

My mom was in town this week to help me take care of my sick kids while J-P was in North Carolina doing his last residency (HOORAY!) for business school. I couldn't have done it without her. Before I drove her to the airport this morning we were chatting about the dream (nightmare?) I had last night. I told her that I was driving at night by myself with all three kids. As I started to go down a winding hill, my lights went out. And then my brakes went out. And then we crashed. My mom started laughing and said "that's pretty symbolic of your life right now". And while it's true that my life is somewhat out of control, it is seems like bliss when compared with teaching junior high.


Molly said...

Aah, poor thing. She looks too sweet and happy to be sick! I am glad your mom was able to help you this last week. Hope everyone gets feeling better soon! I remember whne Zac's Oxygen sat. levels got below 80 last year in the ER - freakiest thing ever.

Brynn said...

Ah man! Seriously, having 3 kids is the HARDEST thing. And when their sick it totally sucks! Hang in there!