Mar 26, 2011


I read a book last week about brain development that made me feel like a very good mom. Most of it went way over my head, but the part about activities that stimulate brain development in children made me feel great. Making messes-check. Exploring outdoors and digging in the dirt-check. Who knew making messes was essential to brain development? Let me tell you, there has been a lot of brain enrichment going on around these parts via mess making. In fact, if making messes stimulates brain development, I just might be growing the smartest children in the world.

I have finally resigned myself to the fact that this season of life involves messes. Lots of them. And even if said messes are pushing me over the edge, at least they are enriching the minds of my sweet little children. Today I left my post at the kitchen sink for a brief moment to see what the boys were throwing at the window. When I turned around to see Max's muddy artwork on the windows I had cleaned just a few short days ago, I took a deep breath. Ok, I took several deep breaths. And then I reminded myself that all these shenanigans are fostering brain development.


Natasha said...

It's like you have my life I had 6 years ago in AZ. No joke. We are ever so slowly growing out of that stage. Look forward to age 9 :)

ecuakim said...

Wow. I just don't know what I would do with that much brain development. You are right. You are the best mom in the entire world!!!! :) And also...Those pictures are ADORABLE.