Sunday Photo shoot
Today I picked up Max from nursery and started snooping around to make sure there weren't any peanut butter snacks (according to Max's latest allergy tests he is very allergic to peanuts). I reminded them again (they probably think I'm crazy) not to let the kids eat anything peanut around Max and his nursery leader changed the subject and happily announced that she "actually got Max to giggle." Next, she asked "is he always really serious and quiet at home?"Serious and quiet are the very antithesis of his behavior at home. He is bouncing off the walls, laughing, and joking around all day long. As soon as he gets around other kids he freezes up and never talks. I'm not sure what to do to help him burst out of the solemn, serious role he takes on in social settings. Any ideas?For more of our Sunday photo shoot check flickr
Yeah, Clark is happy at home too. I dunno. Nursery is a mystery to me. Why doesn't my kid like being there??? I mean, what the heck could be better than snacks and different toys than there are at home?!? I just don't get it.
Anyway, enough of that. Hey, how come soy is bad news? Are you willing to share your info? I haven't heard anything bad about soy, only the glorious wonders of how amazingly great it is for you and how everyone should switch to soy please, what have you heard to the contrary?
Macy was like that too. Happy and social at home, not so much in public. It was just her shyness...she grew out of it. I wouldn't worry too much about it, but get him together with other kids, like, one on one for playdates whenever you can.
I say enjoy it! I wish Jack was shy in public. Instead he likes to scream his head off when he doesn't get his way and so much more that I wish he wouldn't do in public. He's making me look bad. Now people know I don't know what I'm doing as a parent. I was trying to keep that to myself as long as I could but no such luck with my 2 year old!!
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