Jul 5, 2008


Max always calls Ian "baby". It's easier to say. This week I have been trying to get him to say "baby Ian." He is making slow, but sure progress in the phonetics department. At first it was "baby E", now it's "baby Eanie. " This week Max has also become a self-appointed crawling coach. He crawls around Ian in circles yelling "crawl baby Eanie...crawl!" After a couple days of this drill, Ian graduated from a quasi army crawl to the authentic version max has impatiently been modeling.

Baby proofing the house and floor with a toddler is impossible. Today I even caught Max assisting Ian in putting dangerously small objects in his mouth. I almost died.

Other firsts that have occurred at chez scoville include Max getting his first taste of chocolate. I found a wheat-free, dairy-free chocolate granola bar at Fresh and Easy. I was so excited to give it to him that I had a brain lapse and handed it to him upon strapping him into a 125 degree car. I looked into the rear-view mirror to get a glimpse of his reaction and saw this:


Andrea said...

the chocolate story is so funny - looks like he definitely enjoyed it! at our house, everyone calls the baby "didi" because that's how ryan pronounces "baby". i can't tell you how many times gavin has already choked on legos, coins, etc. even though i'm constantly scanning the playroom for small pieces. now that he is pulling up on things, i have to put stuff even higher! i remember thinking it was a miracle that #2 survived his first year and i am praying #3 will make it as well :)

ecuakim said...

LOL. Oh, the joys of food in the car. If it makes you feel any better, Clark had the same face when I did the same thing in 80 degree weather, so, I think it's the deadly combination of child+food, and not the temperature!!!! :)

~Sarah said...

That was an awesome story! Hopefully it wasn't too much of a mess to clean up. It looks like Max loves chocolate just as much as me :)