Today I picked up Max from nursery and started snooping around to make sure there weren't any peanut butter snacks (according to Max's latest allergy tests he is very allergic to peanuts). I reminded them again (they probably think I'm crazy) not to let the kids eat anything peanut around Max and his nursery leader changed the subject and happily announced that she "actually got Max to giggle." Next, she asked "is he always really serious and quiet at home?"Serious and quiet are the very antithesis of his behavior at home. He is bouncing off the walls, laughing, and joking around all day long. As soon as he gets around other kids he freezes up and never talks. I'm not sure what to do to help him burst out of the solemn, serious role he takes on in social settings. Any ideas?For more of our Sunday photo shoot check flickr
Max always calls Ian "baby". It's easier to say. This week I have been trying to get him to say "baby Ian." He is making slow, but sure progress in the phonetics department. At first it was "baby E", now it's "baby Eanie. " This week Max has also become a self-appointed crawling coach. He crawls around Ian in circles yelling "crawl baby Eanie...crawl!" After a couple days of this drill, Ian graduated from a quasi army crawl to the authentic version max has impatiently been modeling.
Baby proofing the house and floor with a toddler is impossible. Today I even caught Max assisting Ian in putting dangerously small objects in his mouth. I almost died.
Other firsts that have occurred at chez scoville include Max getting his first taste of chocolate. I found a wheat-free, dairy-free chocolate granola bar at Fresh and Easy. I was so excited to give it to him that I had a brain lapse and handed it to him upon strapping him into a 125 degree car. I looked into the rear-view mirror to get a glimpse of his reaction and saw this:
Today we went to the mall. Max needed a new pair of shoes and we all needed to get out of the house. There were mega sales and we found some fantastic deals. After an hour or so, Max's patience started to expire. As we were heading for the car, I saw the massive SALE signs in Banana Republic and I had to go in. Just to check things out. I pulled a button-down silk blouse with a collar and floral print off the rack, and, in an effort to distract Max (he was yelling "go....home, go....home, Max...go...home!!!") I said "Max, wow, look at this you like it?" He took one look at it and decisively said "grandma...shirt." Keep in mind that Max is still learning to talk, and that he has only seen his grandmas a few times and they were NOT wearing a shirt like that. It was, however, a classic grandma shirt.
The lady next to me was laughing so hard she apologized twice. Maybe it was the tone of his voice, or the way he struggled to get the words out, but it was SO funny. It was the last thing I expected him to say. I put the shirt back and headed straight for the car, laughing the whole way.