May 26, 2008


J-P's dad passed away on Friday, May 16th. We wish we could have spent more time with him, but we are grateful that he didn't have to suffer very long. All of his children and grandchildren were able to be there and spend time with him before he passed. The funeral was very moving. He was a volunteer fireman for over 20 years and the firemen led the funeral processional with firetrucks, sirens, the works. It was amazing. Obituary can be found here. A family friend wrote a thoughtful tribute here.


Alicia Leppert said...

Oh, Mary Ann, I am so sorry. Give J-P my condolences. What an amazing tribute to his dad to have such a send-off from the firefighters and such. I am sure it was something you guys will never forget.

Sarah said...

I'm so sorry to hear about JP's dad. I obviously don't even know him, but that tribute brought tears to my eyes. How lucky to have such a fabulous man in your lives. We're thinking of you all!

Pam said...

Oh JP, I didn't know. Family is incredibly important and I know what it's like to lose a loved one. God bless. I'm thinking about you.

Shells said...

I can't even imagine.

Annieofbluegables said...

Thank you for your comment on my blog. That was a very sweet tribute to him.
I love this picture of him and Mary! She looks like Sarah, or vice versa. I really miss him. Partly because of our friendship, partly because he was my Doctor.
This is a very hard time for all of us in the Delta 1st/former 2nd ward.
He has left a very large hole that will never be filled.
God Bless

Chelsea said...

Scovilles--our thoughts are with you. Your father sounds like an amazing man.