Feb 27, 2008

Shout Out

I have been meaning to say THANK YOU to my friend Alicia for a while now. I won her blog give away back in December. I took lots of pictures of the loot, but I can't find them anywhere! It's driving me crazy. You will have to settle for a picture of the two of us on our first day of high school. Please excuse the outfits. Anyway, the giveaway corresponded to the 12 days of Christmas and included gifts that represented her. Things she loves. Curious? Here a list of the loot:

1. Pop (fresca, to be specific). Yes we say pop in WA.

2. Gum (Extra)

3. A sleep Mask

4. Scrapbook paper

5. Handmade cards (my favorite part)

6. Lindt Chocolate (lasted about 5 seconds, I have a weakness)

7. A movie (My Girl)

8. McDonalds gift certificates
9. People magazine

10. Chapstick

11. A Twilight series bookmark (we have both read the series twice)

12. An Enya favorite hits CD


Alicia Leppert said...

Okay, this was the last thing I expected coming to your blog today...and I actually laughed out loud when I saw the picture! Oh, the memories...oh, the outfits!

Thanks for the shout out. I'm glad you enjoyed my favorite things. (I thought it was perfect that you won My Girl...I still remember seeing it in the theater with you and you were bawling and I didn't leak a tear! I still think of you every time I think of that movie.)

Brynn said...

That picture is totally rad!

pinklady said...

love the photo! I have many similar ones myself!

LOVE the favorite things idea so much! my friend hailey also had a friend that did that with her this past year and it's something we're going to start doing for each other too.

Mama Apes... said...

Wow so fun to find you on here! Wow the photo I love thoes days!! Are you guys still in AZ? We all need to get together again! Congrates w/ number two! your boys are darling!

Buschbach said...

Looking at this picture, it's hard to believe you two used to be so intimidating. But then that was half a lifetime ago. Maturity intervenes? My wife would dispute this.