Mar 4, 2010


If there were any pimples on Ian's face this morning, they are gone now. If there is any truth to that old wives tale. Sadly, one of his front teeth is turning gray. He fell and got a fat lip a while back and he must have hit his tooth as well. Has this ever happened to your kids? We are really wishing we had added him to our dental insurance this year, but he wasn't even two at the open enrollment in the fall so we thought we could wait another year. Oh well.


Candace said...

Funny you should post this. Two weeks ago Carter hit his top to front teeth on Blake's head and now one of his teeth is turning gray. I emailed my dentist cousin to find out what I should do.

Kendra said...

Reese came home smelling minty fresh from your house yesterday! LOL and I can see why!!

Kelli said...

both Joey and Carter have grey teeth and right in front too! Their dentist said that most kids, but especially little boys, go to kindergarten with discolored teeth, it's just a bi-product of being a boy! Unless the gums absess or they complain of it hurting, it's not a big deal.