Mar 26, 2010

In the past week...

Ava turned five months old. J-P finished school. Everybody but Ava got pink eye. I almost died of exhaustion.

Here are a few shots of Ava. At five months she...

-loves to make loud noises with her tongue
-has discovered her toes
-gives the sweetest, tightest hugs
-does not sleep well at all
-loves to jabber


ecuakim said...

Oh my word, those are the cutest pictures in the entire world. And I am in love with the curtains. Seriously. I am NOT in love with pink eye. Do you think I should get a new pediatrician since ours couldn't definitively identify such a common childhood ailment? (Not that you guys would have been spared, we didn't take him in until Friday...Cannot begin to say how sorry I am for infecting you all...)

Brynn said...

I swear there is an outbreak of pink eye! So many people I know have had it, including Dallin. I have friends in Hawaii that had it too. So random! Congrats to JP for graduating!!!! That's so exciting! I'm very anxious for Glenn to graduate. Ava is so beautiful. I want to meet her!

Natalie Black said...

Congrats J-P! Your kids are growing up so fast and they're just adorable. I love your blog Mary Ann!