Feb 23, 2010

installation art?

Max has been getting in touch with his artistic side lately. I found this in his room today. I'm pretty sure that tiger won't fit into the washing machine.
I spent most of last week sewing around the clock to make table runners and the like for my sister-in-law's wedding. Every once in a while I took a break and sewed something for myself. I can't get enough of the flowers and ruffles that are everywhere.
Today at the mall I inspected every petal on the shirts and belts at j crew and Loft so I could come home and try my hand at it. Oh, so many projects, so little time...


Chelsea said...

I don't know what's more frightening, the coloring on all the stuffed animals, or the stuffed animals hanging from the top bunk. Funny for those of us not cleaning it up.

I LOVE, LOVE that pillow. So stinking cute!

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

You're oh so creative and very very patient.

Kendra said...

Love these! I need you to teach me how to do these!!!

Unknown said...

Maybe the tiger could be dry cleaned? You're good to take a picture. I would probably go ballistic.

Jessica said...

Mary Ann. I saw this post right when you posted it but I couldn't even comment until now because my jealousy was too intense. I seriously think about the pillow and the framed flowers every day. I'm in pain from the longing. You have the exact same taste I do, except you actually CREATE what we like!

You are fabulous.
Maybe you could do a tutorial?