Feb 23, 2010

rachel's wedding

ava + lilymax busting a move
snuggling ava
getting down on the dance floor the chicken dancegirl cousins
boy cousins + the beautiful bride
family photo
Rachel's wedding was fun. And exhausting. We stayed up way too late last week sewing, talking, ironing, making handmade ties for the little boys, and hair flowers for the little girls. Max had the time of his life dancing and twirling the night away with his cousins. We had a fantastic time hanging out with all (six) of J-P's siblings and their families.


Chelsea said...

I only wish there was a pic of you busting your moves. What about the gangster ballerina? Last time I saw that was in the Barber's basement. Hilarious memory.

Molly said...

Eveyone looks awesome! So I need to learn how to make the fabric flowers and ties! You are so talented!

Unknown said...

So sad about my camera, but glad your pictures look so great!

I still can't believe we finished everything...