Feb 27, 2010


We call Ava "google". And "googley goo". And "gurgley googley goo". And "gurgley google baby". And just about anything else you can imagine along those lines (she gurgles up lots due to her reflux). When Ian calls her "Ava", Max interjects with "her name is not Ava, it's gahley gooley goo-le, that's what mom calls her and we have to call her that too..." They argue about what her real name is on a regular basis. The more time goes by, the more I like her real name. Even if it is super popular. Even if there will be like 10 Ava's in her kindergarten class. I'm over it. I think.

more pics here


Jessica said...

We call Annalise so many nicknames we are positive she will never have any idea what her real name is. Dave is trying to call her by her given name more just so she can recognize it at all, but I don't even bother. It would be a lost cause. Lately all I call her is Buggy and Bugsy and Bug Bug and Buggaroo.

~Sarah said...

Ava is so cute in these pictures. You capture so great shots. I love the outfit.