May 24, 2007

Playing Tag

I've been tagged by Dandee Designs.

What was I doing ten years ago?

I was getting fired as the editor of my high school newspaper two weeks before graduation. It's a long story that involves a crazy teacher, me sitting in a "punishment" room everyday with other banished staff members, and my parents appealing the ordeal all the way to the superintendent so that I could get credit for the class and graduate from high school.

What was I doing one year ago?

I was teaching Spanish, giving finals, doing prenatal yoga, speed walking for hours on end at the mall to try to go into labor, eating at least one whole pineapple a day to try to go into labor, eating lots of really spicy food to try to go into labor, massaging all the acupressure points that are supposed to help start labor, etc... Nothing worked. I delivered 4 days late (after 3 days of labor).

Five snacks I enjoy:

-Red Hot Blues organic tortilla chips
-Luna Bars
-Hershey's Extra Dark Chocolate bar with cranberries, blueberries, and almonds
-Afternoon tea with scones and any other appropriate pastry

Five songs I know all the words to:

-El Muelle de San Blas -by Mana
-Ballad For My One True Love - by Mason Jennings
Aserejé- by Las Ketchup
-Bizarre Love Triangle - by New Order
-Pick Yourself Up -by Diana Krall

Five things I would do if I were a millionaire?

-I would buy a bigger house with a beautifully landscaped backyard and a mini-van. I would put what little was left in our savings account (we have a great interest rate). I would also consider hiring a housekeeper.

Five of my Many bad habits:

-Procrastinating everything
-Going to bed too late
-Watching too much T.V.
-Being judgemental and bossy
-Reading Ann Coulter's weekly column instead of things I should be reading

Five things I like doing:

-Floating (in my pool, the ocean, in a kayak, on a's so relaxing)
-Going to the Library or Barnes and Noble to read magazines I'm too cheap to buy
-Trying new restaurants and recipes
-Going to a spa or staying in a fancy hotel (doesn't happen that often)

Five things I will never wear again:

I can only think of one: a tucked-in shirt. My torso is just too short and I've been laughed at too many times. I'll never say never about anything else because you never know what will come back in style. I never thought the 80's would.

Five of my Favorite toys:

-my garlic press

-the internet
-our saws (although I won't touch them, I make J-P do the cuts)
-my dyson vacuum
-all electronics (Tivo, digital camera, cell phone, etc..)

I didn't follow all the tagging instructions correctly (adding the previous links) because Max just woke up and my free time is over.

I'm tagging (no pressure):

alex and anna
scoville clan
warren family


dandee said...

Love your list! I'm jealous you have a dyson! I want one, but can't bring myself to cough up the hefty pricetag.

I remember the WASCO fiasco, but am foggy on the details. I need a rundown.

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

Alright, I did it! Consider me tagged.

[M] said...

The first thing I did with the money we got from our wedding was buy a dyson. I knew I would not be able to afford one once kids and a mortgage came into the picture.

The wasco rundown (I told you it was a long story): Mr. Wright decides to punish us for being 5 minutes late on a deadline by taking away senior wills. David Hall starts rallying some other students in the class to help him raise $500 to buy a whole page ad and put in senior wills. I hear him talking about it and say "yeah right, like you are going to raise $500 in 3 days." The bell rings and I go home. Next day I walk into class and a fuming Mr. Wright asks to see me outside. After lots of deep breaths he pulls himself together and tells me about what David was trying to do and asks me if I knew about it. I said, "I overhead him talking about it yesterday, but..." He cuts me off and said, "so you knew about it? That's all I needed to know." He turns around and starts walking back to the classroom so I follow him. He opens the door, turns around and says "you are never allowed back in this classroom."

I was sent to an isolationary punishment room for the rest of the year and sat scratching my head in confusion as to why I was there. I still don't see what the big deal was.

p.s. I'm pretty sure Alicia was kicked out too...don't know what he said to her.

Shells said...

I remember hearing rumors of the wasco story, but thinking, "that can't possibly be the whole story." Apparently, I was wrong, that is the whole story. I still feel like I'm missing something. I don't see what you, or even David Hall did wrong.

[M] said...

Me either. I think it was a pride thing, that he felt like his authority was being threatened and so he kicked all the seniors out.

Alicia Leppert said...

Oh my goodness, I totally forgot about that. I had no idea your parents took it all the way to the superintendant (sp)!! I didn't appeal or do that dumb paper he wanted us to do and I still graduated. That's weird.
Yeah, I was among the shunned, it was you, me, David and Heather Kinion. We just sat in that stupid classroom and talked, at least for a few days, then we just stopped going. It was so ridiculous how angry he got. I think it was because he had no kids of his own and we were the closest thing. He felt betrayed by us. Sniff. Sniff. I actually thought David's idea was really clever.

~Sarah said...


Is this for me or your friend Sarah?