May 28, 2007

Furniture Frustration

Spending money stresses me out. That’s why I never buy anything. When I was a little girl my mom always filled our cart with brand name foods at the supermarket, which immediately prompted me to give her a lecture about how we could save 37 cents if we bought the generic ketchup. I also took things out of the cart and put them back when she wasn't looking. In college I ate lentils almost everyday and never updated my wardrobe so I could make it through without asking my parents for money or taking out student loans. I even cut my own hair and wore wet n wild makeup. Gross, I know.

Last week I took the plunge and bought a couch. I'm still recovering from the stress of the purchase. Buying a couch is a big deal. Right now I'm super stressed, not only because I dropped a bunch of cash, but because the couch doesn't match anything in our house. It looks hideous. We have to buy all new stuff. I would just take it back, but we already sold our other couches and there is nothing else in our price range that I will allow in my living room. Right now all of our furniture is for sale on craigslist and I am practicing deep breathing to help prepare myself for more major purchases.

Yesterday we decided to go to IKEA to see if there was anything that might possibly go with our new decor. It was only after we got there that I realized that only crazy people go to IKEA on Memorial Day. Max loved it. I've never seen him so happy. He was screaming, laughing, flapping, clapping, pointing, and waving at all the people. He was in IKEA heaven. He created such a diversion that we were distracted from our mission: finding something, anything that we could cut, refinish, paint, or tweak to make it work for our new living space. After a very discouraging trek through the maze of home furnishings we dined on Swedish meatballs and lingonberry juice and headed home with nothing more than a salad spinner and some kitchen scrub brushes. Can someone please tell me where I can find chic, yet affordable home furnishings? We are also in the market for a new t.v., where is the best place to get one? Also, is it ok to mix a dark, chocolate brown couch with black accessories? (curtain rods, frames, lamps, etc..) I am in major need of some design therapy.


pinklady said...

MA, here's a flash from the past. Remember your old neighbor from Road 45 in P-town? I found your blog through dandee's and passionista's. Max is adorable and congratulations on the bebe on the way.
Now to the question at hand. Yes, it is okay to mix dark wood and black accessories. In fact, my decorating opinion is that if you love it, it will work in your home. I have mixes of maple, walnut, yellow-painted wood, etc. and it all looks lovely to me (and not just me either, I get I'm hoping that they were truthful and it's not ugly...but really, I love it and that's all that matters right?).
Long story short (yeah right, you are thinking!), I think your brown cough will look stunning with your black accessories. Geesh, sorry to be so rambling.
Jenny J

[M] said...

Welcome Jenny! Thanks for the tips. Sometimes I overanalyze things too much and talk myself out of things that probably look ok. I appreciate the advice.

S. Schuller said...

Hey, M-A, I hear ya on the chocolate brown and black thing. But, believe me, it's A-OK to mix. Sometimes I've seen nice, newer TV's at yard sales for a fraction of the cost of new. Good luck! I'm sad that I'm not gonna see you when you come here in July!

Alicia Leppert said...

I have a mix of chocolate wood and black accessories and I love it, but that doesn't mean it's not way out of style. I can never keep up on what's cool and what's not. I just do what I can afford (what's given to us) and make the best of what that is.